No longer free homepage forever

No longer free for new installations. This notice supersedes all other indefinite
We have also decided to no longer offer free for new installations (those that start after 21 March 2013). We offer free version of 30 days and then you need to get the premium either by paying or tell others about
We show now a clear notice in admin at the top for all new installations. We will also change all over the internet that says is free.
■ Only new websites established after March 21, 2013 are affected by this. Even if you kills URL so you are not affected if you have an older website.
■ After 30 days without obtaining premium to lock the ability to continue to edit the homepage and you then have another 30 days to get the premium by paying or tell your friends.
■ If you previously bought premium but time for premium goes out to lock the ability to continue to edit the homepage and you have 60 days to renew their premium.
■ The price premium is cheaper than most other similar services.
■ For every friend you refer if you now 2 months free premium.
■ Unfortunately it started very much sites of a lesser quality and it is not good for the brand primarily for reputable sites. Much time is spent on taking care of complaints and shut down sites that violate the terms.
■ Increase the profitability of the business so more energy can be spent on improving and advertising.
■ I lose more than I gain from users not purchasing premium and I'm not eager to put in a lot of advertising.
Some statistics today:
■ Website and verified and working email: 76,962 pcs
■ New website launched per week with a verified email: 880 on average
■ Users who logged in last 30 days: 12,754 pcs
■ Users who pay for premium: 1452 pcs
■ The number of websites that are in Swedish: 72.6%


7 Oct 2014